get 您所在的位置:网站首页 get sth across to sb 翻译 get


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get [links] Listen: UK:*UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/ˈgɛt/US:USA pronunciation: IPA and respellingUSA pronunciation: IPA/gɛt/ ,USA pronunciation: respelling(get) ⓘ一个或多个论坛线程和你的搜索词完全匹配 定义 | 西班牙语 | 法语 | 英语同义词 | 英语搭配 | Conjugator [EN] | 上下文 | 图像 Inflections of 'get' (v): (⇒ conjugate)getsv 3rd person singular gotv past gettingv pres p gotv past p (US & UK)gottenv past p (Mainly US)

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主要翻译英语中文 get [sth]⇒ vtr informal (obtain) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 搞到 gǎo dào   SCSimplified Chinese 弄到 gǎo dào,nòng dào  We need to get some beer somewhere.  我们得找地方弄点啤酒。 get [sth] vtr informal (receive)SCSimplified Chinese 收到,得到 shōu dào,dé dào TCTraditional Chinese 得到  Did you get the message I sent you?  你收到我发给你的信息了吗? get [sth] vtr informal (earn, win) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 得到, 赢得  I got an A in Spanish.  我的西班牙课成绩是A。 get [sth] vtr informal (fetch)SCSimplified Chinese 拿来,取来 ná lái,qǔ lái  I'll get another plate for you.  我重新去给你拿一个盘子。 get [sb] to do [sth]⇒ vtr informal (persuade)SCSimplified Chinese 说服...做某事   SCSimplified Chinese 劝导...做某事  I got him to give me a pay rise.  我说服了他给我加工资。 get [sth]⇒ vtr informal (illness: catch)SCSimplified Chinese 染上 rǎn shàng   SCSimplified Chinese 患上 rǎn shàng ,huàn shàng  He got the flu and had to stay at home.  他感冒了,不得不呆在家里。 get [sth] vtr informal (buy)SCSimplified Chinese 买 mǎi TCTraditional Chinese 買   SCSimplified Chinese 购买 mǎi,gòu mǎi TCTraditional Chinese 購買  I'm just going to get some more milk.  我刚要去再买些牛奶。 get [sth] done⇒ vtr informal (arrange or cause to have) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 使, 使得, 让  I need to get my car fixed.  我得把车修好。 get [sth]⇒ vtr informal (understand) (口语)SCSimplified Chinese 了解 liǎo jiě TCTraditional Chinese 了解   SCSimplified Chinese 理解 liǎo jiě ,lǐ jiě TCTraditional Chinese 理解   SCSimplified Chinese 明白 liǎo jiě ,míng bái  Do you get what I'm saying?  你明白我的意思吗? get⇒ vi informal (become)SCSimplified Chinese 变得,变成 biàn de ,biàn chéng TCTraditional Chinese 變成  Andy got better once he took the medicine. Nancy got annoyed when the car wouldn't start.  安迪一吃下药就有所好转了。// 车发动不起来,让南希气恼。 get vi informal (arrive)SCSimplified Chinese 到达 dào dá TCTraditional Chinese 到達   SCSimplified Chinese 抵达 dào dá,dǐ dá TCTraditional Chinese 抵達  When will we get there?  我们什么时候到达那里?   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 get to do [sth] v expr informal (have the opportunity) (与不定式连用)SCSimplified Chinese 能够, 有机会  I get to go to Paris this summer.  今年夏天我能去巴黎了。 get vi US, slang (go away) (俚语)SCSimplified Chinese 走开!滚! zǒu kāi !gǔn !  Get! You dumb animal.  滚开!你这头蠢驴。 get doing vi informal (start)SCSimplified Chinese 开始 kāi shǐ TCTraditional Chinese 開始  Let's get painting, before it's too dark for us to see what we're doing.  趁天还没黑,我们也能看清楚,不如我们去刷漆吧。 get [sth]⇒ vtr informal (prepare) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 准备 zhǔn bèi TCTraditional Chinese 準備   SCSimplified Chinese 备好 zhǔn bèi,bèi hǎo  I'll get dinner if you lay the table. get [sth] vtr informal (attract) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 得到, 获得  She always gets all the attention. get [sb]⇒ vtr informal (reach) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 联系到, 联系上  You can get me by telephone or e-mail. get [sth]⇒ vtr informal (hear) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 听到, 明白  Sorry, I didn't get that. What did you say? get [sth] vtr informal (receive as punishment)SCSimplified Chinese 受到…的惩罚, 被判…的刑  He got 10 years for armed robbery. get [sb]⇒ vtr informal (touch emotionally) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 使感动, 使有感触  That film gets me every time. get [sb] vtr informal (hit) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 击中, 打中  The bullet got him in the stomach. get [sb] vtr informal (have revenge on) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 报复, 向…复仇  I'll get you for that! get [sb] vtr informal (bother) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 惹怒, 使生气  What gets me about the film is why he never comes back. get [sb] vtr informal (capture) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 抓到, 逮到  The police got him in the end. get [sth]⇒ vtr informal (ruin, destroy) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 毁掉, 使坏掉, 摧毁  Rust got my car. have got to do [sth] vtr informal (must) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 必须做某事 备注: only in present perfect I have got to leave now.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

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动词短语英语中文 get about vi phrasal informal (travel frequently or widely) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 到处旅游,四处周游 dào chù lǚ yóu,sì chù zhōu yóu  Paris yesterday, Sydney next week; you really get about, don't you!  昨天去了巴黎,下周要去悉尼。你还真是到处旅游,难道不是吗? get about vi phrasal informal (walk, move around) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 四处走走,四下溜达 sì chù zǒu zǒu,sì xià liū dá  Though 98 years old, my grandfather still gets about like he was half that age.  尽管98岁高龄了,我的爷爷仿佛像自己一半年龄的人一样,仍然四下溜达。 get across, get [sth] across vtr phrasal sep informal (convey)SCSimplified Chinese 传达 chuán dá TCTraditional Chinese 傳達   SCSimplified Chinese 向…讲清楚 chuán dá,xiàng jiǎng qīng chǔ   SCSimplified Chinese 使人了解  He tried to get his point across but it was so convoluted, no one could understand.  他试图传达自己的观点,不过实在太过复杂,没人能够理解。 get ahead vi phrasal figurative (be successful)SCSimplified Chinese 取得成功 qǔ dé chéng gōng   SCSimplified Chinese 领先 qǔ dé chéng gōng,lǐng xiān TCTraditional Chinese 領先  In order to get ahead in business, you need to be assertive.  想要在生意上取得成功,你需要坚定而自信。 get ahead of [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep (overtake)SCSimplified Chinese 超过 chāo guò TCTraditional Chinese 超過  He ran faster and got ahead of his sister just as they reached the car.  他跑得更快,并在抵达车子的时候超过了姐姐。 get ahead vi phrasal figurative (gain advantage)SCSimplified Chinese 取得优势 qǔ dé yōu shì TCTraditional Chinese 取得優勢   SCSimplified Chinese 领先 qǔ dé yōu shì,lǐng xiān TCTraditional Chinese 領先  The company got ahead by adopting a new business model.  通过采取一种新的商业模式,那家公司取得了优势。 get ahead of [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep figurative (be more successful)SCSimplified Chinese 领先于 TCTraditional Chinese 領先於   SCSimplified Chinese 胜过 shèng guò   SCSimplified Chinese 比…更为成功  The firm developed a multimedia game system that allowed it to get ahead of its rivals.  该公司开发了一种多媒体游戏系统使自己领先于竞争者。 get ahead vi phrasal US, figurative, informal (save money)SCSimplified Chinese 攒钱 zǎn qián   SCSimplified Chinese 存钱 zǎn qián,cún qián  Keeping a monthly budget is a good way to get ahead.  维持月度预算是一个攒钱的好办法。 get along vi phrasal informal (be friends) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 友好相处 yǒu hǎo xiāng chǔ TCTraditional Chinese 友好相處  My friends and I get along very well.  我和朋友们相处得都很好。 get along vi phrasal informal (cope)SCSimplified Chinese 应付得来 yìng fù dé lái TCTraditional Chinese 應付得來   SCSimplified Chinese 可以应对 yìng fù dé lái,kě yǐ yìng duì  After she went blind, it took her a long time to learn how to get along without vision.  在失明后,她花了很长时间才学会如何适应看不见后的生活。 get along vi phrasal informal (progress)SCSimplified Chinese 取得进步 qǔ dé jìn bù TCTraditional Chinese 取得進步   SCSimplified Chinese 取得进展 qǔ dé jìn bù,qǔ dé jìn zhǎn TCTraditional Chinese 取得進展  In my profession, you aren't going to get along without the support and help of more experienced people.  在我的这个行业,如果没有经验丰富的人员的支持和帮助,你就无法取得进步。 get along vi phrasal (leave)SCSimplified Chinese 离开 lí kāi TCTraditional Chinese 離開   SCSimplified Chinese 离去 lí kāi,lí qù  I have to get along now; it's been nice chatting to you.  我现在该走了。与你聊天很愉快。 get along with [sb] vtr phrasal insep (be friends)SCSimplified Chinese 与…相处愉快 yǔ … xiāng chǔ yú kuài   SCSimplified Chinese 合得来 yǔ … xiāng chǔ yú kuài,hé de lái  I get along very well with my mother-in-law.  我和婆婆很合得来。 get along without [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep (not need)SCSimplified Chinese 缺少…而对付着 quē shǎo … ér duì fù zhe   SCSimplified Chinese 凑合着 quē shǎo … ér duì fù zhe ,còu hé zhe  I can get along without luxuries in this economy. get around vi phrasal informal (travel)SCSimplified Chinese 到处旅游, 四处游览  I certainly get around in my job. This year, I've travelled to Korea, Australia and South Africa.  我的工作需要四处奔波。今年,我去了韩国、澳大利亚和南非。 get around vi phrasal (move about)SCSimplified Chinese 走动 zǒu dòng TCTraditional Chinese 走動  His arthritis makes it difficult for him to get around.  关节炎使他行动不便。 get around [sth], also UK: get round [sth] vtr phrasal insep (circumvent)SCSimplified Chinese 绕道而行 rào dào ér xíng TCTraditional Chinese 繞道而行   SCSimplified Chinese 绕开 rào dào ér xíng,rào kāi   SCSimplified Chinese 规避 rào dào ér xíng,guī bì TCTraditional Chinese 規避  You can't get around the problem by pretending it doesn't exist.  你不能假装没有问题来回避。 get around, also UK: get round, get about vi phrasal informal (circulate)SCSimplified Chinese 散布,传播 sàn bù,chuán bō TCTraditional Chinese 散布 / 散佈,傳播  When word got around that she was baking cookies, all the children appeared at her door.  她在烘焙饼干的消息传开后,所有孩子都出现在她门口。 get around to [sth], also UK: get round to [sth] vtr phrasal insep (find time)SCSimplified Chinese 抽出时间 TCTraditional Chinese 抽出時間  Bill eventually got round to the washing-up. get around to doing [sth], also UK: get round to doing [sth] vtr phrasal insep (find time)SCSimplified Chinese 抽出时间做某事  One of these days, I will get around to making the trip to Paris. get at [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (intend to say, imply) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 想说,意指 yì zhǐ  I don't understand what you are getting at.  我明白你想说什么。 get at [sb] vtr phrasal insep slang (target for criticism) (俚语)SCSimplified Chinese 数落,批评,讽刺,打击 shǔ luò,pī píng,fěng cì ,dǎ jī TCTraditional Chinese 諷刺,打擊  I hate him; he's always getting at me.  我讨厌他,他总是数落我。 get at [sb] vtr phrasal insep slang (influence illegally) (俚语)SCSimplified Chinese 贿赂,买通 huì lù,mǎi tōng TCTraditional Chinese 賄賂  All the evidence is against us; we'll have to see if we can get at the jury.  所有证据都对我们不利,我们得看看能否贿赂陪审团。 get away vi phrasal (escape)SCSimplified Chinese 逃走,逃离,逃脱 táo zǒu,táo lí,táo tuō TCTraditional Chinese 逃走  I was almost mugged but I managed to get away.  我差点被抢劫了,不过我成功逃脱了。 get away vi phrasal informal (go on holiday)SCSimplified Chinese 外出度假 wài chū dù jià   SCSimplified Chinese 休假 wài chū dù jià,xiū jià  I have been working late all week and need to get away this weekend.  整个星期我都工作到很晚,这周末我需要外出度假。 get away from [sb] vtr phrasal insep (escape: [sb])SCSimplified Chinese 摆脱 bǎi tuō TCTraditional Chinese 擺脫   SCSimplified Chinese 离开 bǎi tuō,lí kāi TCTraditional Chinese 離開  How did you manage to get away from your captors?  你是如何从抓你的人手中逃脱的? get away from [sth] vtr phrasal insep (place: leave)SCSimplified Chinese 离开 lí kāi TCTraditional Chinese 離開  It's great to get away from London sometimes. get away with [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (not be punished)SCSimplified Chinese 逃脱…的惩罚 táo tuō de chéng fá   SCSimplified Chinese 不受…处罚 táo tuō de chéng fá,bú shòu chǔ fá   SCSimplified Chinese 逃避…责罚 táo tuō de chéng fá,táo bì zé fá   SCSimplified Chinese 逍遥法外  The murderer got away with his hideous crime.  犯下滔天罪行的谋杀犯却逍遥法外。 get back vi phrasal informal (return) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 返回,回去 fǎn huí,huí qù TCTraditional Chinese 返回,回去  I visited my Aunt in Greece last year and I can't wait to get back!  去年我去看望了人在希腊的姑妈,现在等不及要再去了。 get [sth] back, get [sth] back from [sb] vtr phrasal sep (have [sth] returned)SCSimplified Chinese 取回 qǔ huí   SCSimplified Chinese 还给,交还给 huán gěi  I took my watch to be repaired and I'll get it back on Tuesday.  我把手表送去维修了,我会在周二的时候取回来。 get [sth] back vtr phrasal sep (receive [sth] in return)SCSimplified Chinese 取回 qǔ huí   SCSimplified Chinese 拿回  When Sue does a favour for someone, she always expects to get something back.  帮了别人的忙后,苏总是希望得到一些回报。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

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复合形式:英语中文 get annoyed vi + adj (become irritated)SCSimplified Chinese 恼怒 nǎo nù   SCSimplified Chinese 气恼 nǎo nù,qì nǎo   SCSimplified Chinese 生气 nǎo nù,shēng qì TCTraditional Chinese 生氣  I get annoyed when Stephen cancels our date at the last minute.  史蒂芬在临到头时取消了我们的约会,这让我很生气。 get anxious vi + adj (become worried)SCSimplified Chinese 焦虑 jiāo lǜ   SCSimplified Chinese 感到焦虑  It is normal to get anxious before an exam.  考试前会焦虑很正常。 as … as all get out, as all get out expr US (extremely)SCSimplified Chinese 极其 jí qí TCTraditional Chinese 極其   SCSimplified Chinese 非常 jí qí ,fēi cháng TCTraditional Chinese 非常  What? That's silly as all get out! You can't grow bananas in the desert. be out to get [sb] v expr informal (want revenge)SCSimplified Chinese 找…的麻烦   SCSimplified Chinese 报复某人  She has been out to get me ever since she learned that I was dating her ex-boyfriend. get a big hand v expr (receive enthusiastic applause)SCSimplified Chinese 收到热烈的掌声 get your fingers burned (US), get your fingers burnt (UK), burn your fingers v expr figurative (suffer off-putting consequences)SCSimplified Chinese 自寻烦恼   SCSimplified Chinese 引火烧身 catch [sb]'s drift, get [sb]'s drift v expr informal, figurative (understand what [sb] means)SCSimplified Chinese 懂某人的意思 come and get v expr informal (fetch)SCSimplified Chinese 来拿 lái ná   SCSimplified Chinese 来取走 lái ná,lái qǔ zǒu  If you want it come and get it, but you better hurry 'cause it's goin' fast. come to grips with [sth], get to grips with [sth] v expr informal, figurative (understand)SCSimplified Chinese 了解 liǎo jiě TCTraditional Chinese 了解   SCSimplified Chinese 明白 liǎo jiě ,míng bái   SCSimplified Chinese 懂得 liǎo jiě ,dǒng dé TCTraditional Chinese 懂得  One must read a work of philosophy several times in order to come to grips with it. come to grips with [sth], get to grips with [sth] v expr informal, figurative (master)SCSimplified Chinese 掌握 zhǎng wò TCTraditional Chinese 掌握   SCSimplified Chinese 学会 zhǎng wò,xué huì TCTraditional Chinese 學會  When I had finally come to grips with algebra, I began to learn calculus. come to grips with [sth], get to grips with [sth] v expr informal, figurative (deal with, accept)SCSimplified Chinese 处理 chǔ lǐ TCTraditional Chinese 處理   SCSimplified Chinese 应付 chǔ lǐ,yìng fu TCTraditional Chinese 應付   SCSimplified Chinese 接受 chǔ lǐ,jiē shòu TCTraditional Chinese 接受  It was difficult to come to grips with my parents' tragic deaths. easy to get along with adj informal (affable)SCSimplified Chinese 好相处的 hǎo xiāng chǔ de TCTraditional Chinese 好相處的   SCSimplified Chinese 随和的 hǎo xiāng chǔ de ,suí hé de TCTraditional Chinese 隨和的  Jim is a friendly guy who is easy to get along with. fall in line, fall into line, get into line, get in line v expr (people: line up)SCSimplified Chinese 排队 pái duì TCTraditional Chinese 排隊   SCSimplified Chinese 排成一排 pái duì,pái chéng yì pái fall in line, fall into line, get in line v expr figurative (person: conform to rule, authority)SCSimplified Chinese 遵守 zūn shǒu TCTraditional Chinese 遵守   SCSimplified Chinese 遵循 zūn shǒu,zūn xún TCTraditional Chinese 遵循 fall in line with [sth/sb], fall into line with [sth/sb], get in line with [sth/sb] v expr figurative (person: conform to)SCSimplified Chinese 与...保持一致   SCSimplified Chinese 遵守 zūn shǒu TCTraditional Chinese 遵守   SCSimplified Chinese 遵循 zūn xún TCTraditional Chinese 遵循 find your bearings, get your bearings v expr (orient yourself)SCSimplified Chinese 确定自己的方位  In the dark forest, the search party had trouble getting their bearings. get a battering, receive a battering, take a battering, be given a battering v expr (be beaten, damaged)SCSimplified Chinese 遭到破坏   SCSimplified Chinese 被揍  Our garden shed took a battering in the hurricane. get a battering, receive a battering, take a battering, be given a battering v expr figurative (suffer)SCSimplified Chinese 遭受批评  The film got a battering from critics. get a break, catch a break v expr (have good luck)SCSimplified Chinese 走运 zǒu yùn   SCSimplified Chinese 幸运 zǒu yùn,xìng yùn  After losing my job and my marriage, I think it must be my turn to catch a break now. get a break, get your break v expr (receive a wanted opportunity)SCSimplified Chinese 找到机会   SCSimplified Chinese 获得机遇  The actor finally got a break when he was cast in a popular TV show. get a fix v expr slang (take drug)SCSimplified Chinese 注射毒品 zhù shè dú pǐn  People addicted to street drugs will do just about anything to get a fix. get a fix on [sth] v expr slang (ascertain)SCSimplified Chinese 搞清楚 gǎo qīng chǔ   SCSimplified Chinese 查清楚  I talked to several people to get a fix on what actually happened. get a foothold v expr (when climbing) (爬山时)SCSimplified Chinese 找到稳当的落脚点  After falling halfway down he was able to get a foothold and begin climbing again. get a foothold v expr figurative (establish yourself)SCSimplified Chinese 站稳脚跟 zhàn wěn jiǎo gēn TCTraditional Chinese 站穩腳跟  She got a foothold in the theatrical world when, as an understudy, the leading lady fell ill. get a glimpse of [sth/sb] v expr (catch sight of briefly)SCSimplified Chinese 瞥见 piē jiàn   SCSimplified Chinese 瞅见 piē jiàn ,chǒu jiàn  The fans crowded around the door to get a glimpse of the athletes leaving the stadium. get a grip v expr figurative, slang (regain self-control)SCSimplified Chinese 控制自己的情绪 kòng zhì zì jǐ de qíng xù   SCSimplified Chinese 自我控制 kòng zhì zì jǐ de qíng xù,zì wǒ kòng zhì  It's time to stop panicking and get a grip. He's too nervous; he needs to get a grip.  他有点太过紧张了,需要控制自己的情绪。  是时候停止恐慌,自我控制了。 get a grip! interj figurative, slang (you are overreacting, control yourself)SCSimplified Chinese 控制一下你自己! kòng zhì yí xià nǐ zì jǐ  It's nothing to get so worked up about – get a grip!  没什么可激动的,控制一下你自己! get a grip on [sth] v expr figurative, informal (start to understand)SCSimplified Chinese 开始理解 TCTraditional Chinese 開始理解   SCSimplified Chinese 了解 liǎo jiě TCTraditional Chinese 了解  I would love to get a grip on basic physics.  我很乐意了解基础物理。 get a haircut v expr informal (have hair trimmed)SCSimplified Chinese 理发 lǐ fà TCTraditional Chinese 理髮   SCSimplified Chinese 剪发 lǐ fà ,jiǎn fà  It was his brother's wedding, so he decided to get a haircut for the occasion. get a handle on [sth], have a handle on v expr figurative, informal (understand)SCSimplified Chinese 理解 lǐ jiě TCTraditional Chinese 理解   SCSimplified Chinese 了解 lǐ jiě ,liǎo jiě TCTraditional Chinese 了解  I can't get a handle on this at all. Can you explain it again? get a hold of [sth] v expr informal (grasp)SCSimplified Chinese 抓住, 把握, 掌控  Get a firm hold of the load and make sure it's not too heavy before you lift. get a job v expr informal (find employment) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 找到工作 zhǎo dào gōng zuò  I need to get a job that pays well.  我需要找到一份薪酬不错的工作。 get a kick out of [sth/sb] v expr slang (enjoy, take pleasure in)SCSimplified Chinese 因…激动 yīn … jī dòng TCTraditional Chinese 因…激動   SCSimplified Chinese 刺激 yīn … jī dòng,cì jī TCTraditional Chinese 刺激   SCSimplified Chinese 痛快 yīn … jī dòng,tòng kuài TCTraditional Chinese 痛快  She gets a kick out of watching talking animal videos. get a leg up v expr figurative, informal (gain an advantage)SCSimplified Chinese 获得优势 Get a life! interj (expressing contempt) (表示轻蔑、蔑视)SCSimplified Chinese 找点别的事情做吧!   SCSimplified Chinese 别那么无聊!   SCSimplified Chinese 找点正经事情来做吧!  When I told them I was translating the Bible into Vulcan they all said “Get a life!” Get a load of this/that/him/her! interj slang (look at that)SCSimplified Chinese 看 TCTraditional Chinese 看   SCSimplified Chinese 瞧 qiáo TCTraditional Chinese 瞧 get a loan vi (enter a contract to borrow money)SCSimplified Chinese 得到贷款 dé dào dài kuǎn TCTraditional Chinese 得到貸款  If we can't pay rent come August we may have to get a loan. get a look-in v expr UK, slang (have fair chance) (俚语)SCSimplified Chinese 有不错的机会  Starlings feed in flocks and can clear bird tables before other species get a look-in. get a move on v expr informal (hurry up)SCSimplified Chinese 快点儿,赶快 gǎn kuài TCTraditional Chinese 趕快 get a response vi (receive a reply)SCSimplified Chinese 得到回复 dé dào huí fù TCTraditional Chinese 得到回復   SCSimplified Chinese 得到答复 dé dào huí fù,dé dào dá fù  I sent several emails but never did get a response. get a response v expr (be acknowledged by words, gesture)SCSimplified Chinese 获得肯定 huò dé kěn dìng TCTraditional Chinese 獲得肯定   SCSimplified Chinese 获得首肯 huò dé kěn dìng,huò dé shǒu kěn get a rise out of [sb] v expr informal (provoke: [sb])SCSimplified Chinese 有意惹…生气  He's just making faces to get a rise out of you. get a rocket v expr UK, informal (be reprimanded)SCSimplified Chinese 受到报复   SCSimplified Chinese 受到惩罚 get a sense of [sth], get a sense for [sth] v expr (understand in a general way)SCSimplified Chinese 大致了解   SCSimplified Chinese 大致理解 get a shock v expr informal, figurative (be unpleasantly surprised)SCSimplified Chinese 大吃一惊,吃了一惊 dà chī yì jīng TCTraditional Chinese 大吃一驚  I got a shock when I found your wife naked in my bed. get a shock v expr informal (feel jolted by electrical current)SCSimplified Chinese 触电,受到电击 chù diàn  I always get a shock when I touch a car. get a thrashing, take a thrashing v expr informal (be beaten physically)SCSimplified Chinese 遭到报应 zāo dào bào yìng TCTraditional Chinese 遭到報應   SCSimplified Chinese 收到惩罚 zāo dào bào yìng ,shōu dào chéng fá  Petros regularly took a thrashing from his violent father. get a thrashing, take a thrashing, be given a thrashing v expr figurative, informal (be defeated: at sport, etc.)SCSimplified Chinese 惨败 cǎn bài  The Democrats took a thrashing on Election Day. get a whiff of [sth] v expr informal (smell)SCSimplified Chinese 闻到 wén dào  Did you get a whiff of that new perfume she is wearing? get a whiff of [sth] v expr figurative, slang (detect)SCSimplified Chinese 察觉到 chá jué dào TCTraditional Chinese 察覺到   SCSimplified Chinese 觉察到 chá jué dào,jué chá dào TCTraditional Chinese 覺察到  Did you get a whiff of the hostility in that meeting? get a word in v expr informal (have the chance to speak)SCSimplified Chinese 插嘴,插话 chā zuǐ,chā huà  She was talking so much that I couldn't get a word in! get above [sth] vi + prep (surpass)SCSimplified Chinese 超过 chāo guò TCTraditional Chinese 超過  Melinda worked hard to get above the minimum academic requirements for university. get above [sth] vi + prep (be over [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 超过 chāo guò TCTraditional Chinese 超過   SCSimplified Chinese 越过 chāo guò ,yuè guò TCTraditional Chinese 越過  We should get above 5,000 feet before we make camp. get acquainted vi + adj (people: get to know each other)SCSimplified Chinese 互相熟悉   SCSimplified Chinese 互相了解 hù xiāng liǎo jiě  I left Paul and Lily to get acquainted. get acquainted with [sb] v expr (get to know a person)SCSimplified Chinese 结识...  My kids got acquainted with the neighbors' children on the day they moved in. get acquainted with [sth] v expr figurative (familiarize yourself with [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 熟悉...  You'd better get acquainted with new computers if you want to keep your job. get ahead of yourself v expr (think or act prematurely)SCSimplified Chinese 操之过急 get ahold of [sb/sth] v expr US, informal (grab, grasp)SCSimplified Chinese 抓住 zhuā zhù   SCSimplified Chinese 握住 zhuā zhù,wò zhù TCTraditional Chinese 握住 get ahold of [sb] v expr US, informal (make contact)SCSimplified Chinese 联系 lián xì TCTraditional Chinese 聯繫  I've called her house, her work, and her cell; I can't get ahold of her. get all your ducks in a row, have all your ducks in a row v expr figurative (be organized)SCSimplified Chinese 有条理的 yǒu tiáo lǐ de TCTraditional Chinese 有條理的   SCSimplified Chinese 有精心安排的   SCSimplified Chinese 井井有条的 yǒu tiáo lǐ de ,jǐng jǐng yǒu tiáo de  It's always good to work with colleagues who have all their ducks in a row. Get along! interj UK, informal (expressing disbelief)SCSimplified Chinese 休想 xiū xiǎng   SCSimplified Chinese 真不敢相信  You expect me to believe that? Get along!  你以为我会相信吗?做梦! Get along with you! interj UK, informal (expressing disbelief)SCSimplified Chinese 真不敢相信  Brett really said that? Get along with you!  布雷特真的这么说了?真不敢相信! get an earful v expr figurative, informal (be reprimanded)SCSimplified Chinese 听了一堆责备的话  Tony got an earful from the boss when he arrived late for work. get angry vi + adj (lose temper)SCSimplified Chinese 发怒,发火 fā nù,fā huǒ TCTraditional Chinese 發火   SCSimplified Chinese 气愤,气起来 qì fèn,qì qǐ lái TCTraditional Chinese 氣憤  I get angry when people are rude and obnoxious.  我会在人们粗鲁且讨厌的时候发火。 get anywhere, go anywhere v expr (achieve success)SCSimplified Chinese 有成就   SCSimplified Chinese 取得成功 qǔ dé chéng gōng get around doing [sth], also UK: get round doing [sth] v expr (avoid doing)SCSimplified Chinese 规避 guī bì TCTraditional Chinese 規避   SCSimplified Chinese 逃避 guī bì,táo bì TCTraditional Chinese 逃避   SCSimplified Chinese 避开 guī bì,bì kāi TCTraditional Chinese 避開  The politician got around answering the question by changing the subject. The businessman got around paying his taxes by using a loophole in the law.  那个政客换了话题来回避回答这个问题。//这个商人钻法律的空子以规避税务。 Get away! interj UK, slang (disbelief) (俚语)SCSimplified Chinese 别开玩笑了!你在开玩笑吧! bié kāi wán xiào le nǐ zài kāi wán xiào ba  You saw the Queen in Burnley market? Get away!  你在伯恩利市场看到女王了?别开玩笑了! get away with it v expr informal (escape punishment)SCSimplified Chinese 逍遥法外 get away with murder v expr figurative, informal (never be punished)SCSimplified Chinese 可以不受惩罚地为所欲为 kě yǐ bú shòu chéng fá de wéi suǒ yù wéi  Somehow Joe always seems to get away with murder. 下100个 有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: get [gɛt] (pt, pp got) (US) (pp gotten)I vt 1 ▶ to have gotsee also have, got 2 (=obtain, find) [+ money, permission, results, information] 获(獲)得 huòdé [+ job, flat, room] 得到 dédào he got a job in London 他在伦(倫)敦得到一份工作 tā zài Lúndūn dédào yī fèn gōngzuò we can get something to eat on the train 我们(們)可以在火车(車)上弄点(點)儿(兒)吃的 wǒmen kěyǐ zài huǒchē shang nòng diǎnr chīde to get a look at sth/sb看看某物/某人 kànkan mǒuwù/mǒurén3 (=fetch) [+ person, doctor, object] 去拿 qùná to get sth for sb 为(為)某人去拿某物 wèi mǒurén qù ná mǒuwù could you get me my coat please? 请(請)你把我的外套拿来(來)好吗(嗎)? Qǐng nǐ bǎ wǒ de wàitào nálái hǎo ma? can I get you a coffee?要我给(給)你拿杯咖啡吗(嗎)? yào wǒ gěi nǐ ná bēi kāfēi ma? I'll come and get you我会(會)来(來)接你的 wǒ huì lái jiē nǐ de4 (=receive) [+ present, letter, prize, TV channel] 收到 shōudào [+ price] 得到 dédào He got a good price for the car.他把车(車)卖(賣)了个(個)好价(價)钱(錢)。 Tā bǎ chē màile gè hǎo jiàqián. what did you get for your birthday? 你生日时(時)得到了什么(麼)礼(禮)物? nǐ shēngrì shí dédàole shénme lǐwù? how much did you get for the painting? 你这(這)幅画(畫)卖(賣)了多少钱(錢)? nǐ zhè fú huà màile duōshao qián? he gets a lot of pleasure from music他从(從)音乐(樂)中得到了很大乐(樂)趣 tā cóng yīnyuè zhōng dédàole hěn dà lèqù5 (=board) [+ plane, bus] 乘坐 chéngzuò I'll get the bus 我会(會)乘坐公共汽车(車) wǒ huì chéngzuò gōnggòng qìchē6 (=prepare) [+ meal] 准(準)备(備) zhǔnbèi I'll get lunch 我来(來)准(準)备(備)午餐 wǒ lái zhǔnbèi wǔcān7 (=cause to be/become) ▶ to get sth/sb ready 使某事/某人准(準)备(備)就绪(緒) shǐ mǒurén/mǒushì zhǔnbèi jiùxù to get sb drunk/into trouble 使某人喝醉/陷入麻烦(煩) shǐ mǒurén hēzuì/xiànrù máfan did you get the answer right? 你的答案正确(確)吗(嗎)? nǐ de dá'àn zhèngquè ma?8 (=seize, catch) 抓住 zhuāzhù get him! 抓住他! Zhuāzhù tā! the police will get him eventually 警察最终(終)会(會)抓住他的 jǐngchá zuìzhōng huì zhuāzhù tā de9 (=hit) [+ target etc] 击(擊)中 jīzhòng 10 (=take, move) 把…送到 bǎ…sòngdào we must get him to hospital 我们(們)必须(須)把他送到医(醫)院 wǒmen bìxū bǎ tā sòngdào yīyuàn I'll get you there somehow 我会(會)设(設)法让(讓)你到那儿(兒) wǒ huì shèfǎ ràng nǐ dào nàr do you think we'll get it through the door?你觉(覺)得我们(們)能把它弄进(進)门(門)吗(嗎)? nǐ juéde wǒmen néng bǎ tā nòngjìn mén ma? to get sth to sb为(為)某人取得某物 wèi mǒurén qǔdé mǒuwù11 (=buy) 买(買) mǎi (regularly) 买(買)到 mǎidào I'll get some milk from the supermarket 我要去超市买(買)牛奶 wǒ yào qù chāoshì mǎi niúnǎi we don't get a newspaper 我们(們)没(沒)买(買)到报(報)纸(紙) wǒmen méi mǎidào bàozhǐ let me get you a drink让(讓)我给(給)你来(來)杯喝的吧 ràng wǒ gěi nǐ lái bēi hēde ba12 (=be infected by) [+ cold, measles] 染上 rǎnshàng you'll get a cold 你会(會)得感冒的 nǐ huì dé gǎnmào de13 (=understand) [+ joke, point] 领(領)会(會) lǐnghuì 14 (=hear) 听(聽)见(見) tīngjiàn I didn't get your name 我没(沒)听(聽)见(見)你的名字 wǒ méi tīngjiàn nǐ de míngzi15 (=have) [+ time, opportunity] 有 yǒu I get the impression that… 我有…的印象 wǒ yǒu…de yìnxiàng I got a shock when I saw him 当(當)我看见(見)他时(時)我惊(驚)呆了 dāng wǒ kànjiàn tā shí wǒ jīngdāi le16 ▶ to get sth done (=do oneself) 做某事 zuò mǒushì (=have done) 完成某事 wánchéng mǒushì to get the washing/dishes done 洗好衣物/餐具 xǐhǎo yīwù/cānjù to get one's hair cut 理发(髮) lǐfà to get the car going or to go使汽车(車)发(發)动(動)起来(來) shǐ qìchē fādòng qǐlái to get sb to do sth让(讓)某人做某事 ràng mǒurén zuò mǒushì17 (inf: annoy) 使…恼(惱)火 shǐ…nǎohuǒ what gets me is his attitude 是他的态(態)度让(讓)我恼(惱)火 shì tā de tàidu ràng wǒ nǎohuǒ II vi 1 (=become, be) (adj) 变(變)得 biàn de to get old/tired/cold/dirty 变(變)老/变(變)得疲倦/变(變)冷/变(變)脏(髒) biànlǎo/biànde píjuàn/biànlěng/biànzāng to get drunk 喝醉了 hēzuì le to get bored变(變)得无(無)聊 biàn de wúliáo it's getting late不早了 bù zǎo le2 (=go) ▶ to get to work/the airport/Beijing, etc. 到办(辦)公室/到达(達)机(機)场(場)/到达(達)北京等 dào bàngōngshì/dàodá jīchǎng/dàodá Běijīng děng how did you get here? 你是怎么(麼)到这(這)儿(兒)的? nǐ shì zěnme dào zhèr de? he didn't get home till 10pm 他直到晚上10点(點)才到家 tā zhídào wǎnshang shí diǎn cái dàojiā how long does it take to get from London to Paris?从(從)伦(倫)敦到巴黎需要多久? cóng Lúndūn dào Bālí xūyào duō jiǔ? the talks are getting nowhere会(會)谈(談)毫无(無)进(進)展 huìtán háowú jìnzhǎn3 (=begin) ▶ to get to know sb 开(開)始了解某人 kāishǐ liǎojiě mǒurén let's get going or started! 开(開)始吧! kāishǐ ba!4 (=manage) ▶ how often do you get to see him? 你多久见(見)他一次? nǐ duō jiǔ jiàn tā yī cì? 5 (in expressions)▶ don't let it get to you 别(別)受它的影响(響) bié shòu tā de yǐngxiǎng get lost! 走开(開)! Zǒukāi! how crazy/stupid can you get? 你怎么(麼)变(變)得这(這)样(樣)疯(瘋)狂/愚蠢呢? nǐ zěnme biàn de zhèyàng fēngkuáng/yúchǔn ne?III aux vb 1 ▶ to have got tosee also have, got 2 (passive use) 作为构成被动语态的助动词 to get killed 被杀(殺) bèishā to get paid 拿薪水 ná xīnshuǐ get about vi 1 [person] (=travel) 旅行 lǚxíng (=move about) 各处(處)走动(動) gèchù zǒudòng I can't get about as much as I used to 我不能再像我过(過)去那样(樣)到处(處)走动(動)了 wǒ bùnéng zài xiàng wǒ guòqù nàyàng dàochù zǒudòng le2 (esp Brit) [news, rumour] 流传(傳) liúchuán get across vt [+ message, meaning, idea] 使…被理解 shǐ…bèi lǐjiě get along vi 1 (=be friends) 相处(處) xiāngchǔ to get along well with sb 与(與)某人相处(處)融洽 yǔ mǒurén xiāngchǔ róngqià2 (=manage) 过(過)活 guòhuó 3 (=depart) 离(離)开(開) líkāi I'd better be getting along soon 我最好尽(儘)快离(離)开(開) wǒ zuìhǎo jǐnkuài líkāi get aroundI vt fus 不可拆分 [+ problem] 克服 kèfú [+ law, rule] 规(規)避 guībì [+ person] 说(說)服 shuōfú II vi 传(傳)开(開)来(來) chuánkāilái get around to vt fus 不可拆分 ▶ to get around to sth/to doing sth 终(終)于(於)有时(時)间(間)做某事 zhōngyú yǒu shíjiān zuò mǒushì get at (Brit) (inf) vt fus 不可拆分 1 (=attack, criticize) 不断(斷)指责(責) bùduàn zhǐzé you're always getting at me 你总(總)是数(數)落我 nǐ zǒngshì shǔluò wǒ2 (=reach) 够(夠)着(著) gòuzháo We want to get at the truth.我们(們)想了解真相。 Wǒmen xiǎng liǎojiě zhēnxiàng. 3 (=insinuate) ▶ what are you getting at? 你讲(講)这(這)话(話)什么(麼)意思? nǐ jiǎng zhè huà shénme yìsi? get away vi (=leave) 脱(脫)身 tuōshēn (on holiday) 去度假 qù dùjià (=escape) 逃跑 táopǎo get away with vt fus 不可拆分 不因…而受惩(懲)罚(罰) bù yīn…ér shòu chéngfá to get away with doing sth 不因做某事而受惩(懲)罚(罰) bùyīn zuò mǒushì ér shòu chéngfá he'll never get away with it! 他决(決)不会(會)逃脱(脫)干系(係)的! tā juébùhuì táotuō gànxì de!get backI vi 1 (=return) 回来(來) huílái 2 (=move away) ▶ get back! 快回来(來)! kuài huílái! II vt (=reclaim) 重新得到 chóngxīn dédào All he wanted was to get his girlfriend back.他所想的一切都是让(讓)女朋友再回到身边(邊)。 Tā suǒ xiǎng de yīqiè dōu shì ràng nǚpéngyou zài huídào shēnbiān. get back at vt fus 不可拆分 ▶ to get back at sb (for sth) (因某事)对(對)某人进(進)行报(報)复(復) (yīn mǒushì) duì mǒurén jìnxíng bàofù get back to vt fus 不可拆分 1 (=return to) [+ activity, work] 回到 huídào [+ normality] 恢复(復) huīfù [+ subject] 重新回到 chóngxīn huídào to get back to sleep 重又睡着(著) chóng yòu shuìzháo2 (=contact again) 再与(與)…联(聯)络(絡) zài yǔ…liánluò get by vi 1 (=manage) 过(過)得去 guò de qù I can get by in Dutch 我的荷兰(蘭)语(語)还(還)凑(湊)合 wǒ de Hélányǔ hái còuhe to get by on a small salary 靠微薄的薪水勉强(強)度日 kào wēibó de xīnshuǐ miǎnqiǎng dùrì2 (=pass) 过(過)去 guòqù get downI vi 趴下 pāxià II vt 1 (=depress) [+ person] 使…沮丧(喪) shǐ…jǔsàng 2 (=write) 记(記)下来(來) jìxiàlái 3 (=swallow) [+ food, pill] 吞下 tūnxià get down to vt fus 不可拆分 [+ work] 开(開)始认(認)真处(處)理 kāishǐ rènzhēn chǔlǐ to get down to business (fig) 安心处(處)理事务(務) ānxīn chǔlǐ shìwùget inI vi 1 (=be elected) [candidate, party] 当(當)选(選) dāngxuǎn 2 (=arrive) [train, bus, plane] 抵达(達) dǐdá 3 (=arrive home) 到家 dàojiā II vt 1 (=bring in) [+ shopping, supplies] 购(購)买(買) gòumǎi [+ harvest] 收获(穫) shōuhuò 2 ▶ I couldn't get a word in 我一句话(話)也插不进(進) wǒ yī jù huà yě chā bù jìn get into vt fus 不可拆分 1 (=become part of) [+ conversation, argument, fight] 进(進)行 jìnxíng [+ sphere of activity] 开(開)始从(從)事 kāishǐ cóngshì [+ university, school] 进(進)入 jìnrù 2 [+ vehicle] 乘坐 chéngzuò 3 [+ clothes] 穿上 chuānshàng 4 (in expressions)▶ to get into bed 上床 shàngchuáng I don't know what has got into him 我不知道他是怎么(麼)回事 wǒ bù zhīdào tā shì zěnme huíshì get offI vi 1 (from train, bus) 下车(車) xiàchē 2 (=leave) 离(離)开(開) líkāi 3 (=escape) 从(從)轻(輕)处(處)罚(罰) cóngqīng chǔfá he got off with a £50 fine 他只被罚(罰)了50英镑(鎊)而已 tā zhǐ bèi fále wǔshí yīngbàng éryǐ4 ▶ to get off to a good start 开(開)头(頭)顺(順)利 kāitóu shùnlì II vt 1 (=remove) [+ clothes] 脱(脫)下 tuōxià [+ stain] 消除 xiāochú 2 (as holiday) [+ day, week] 放假 fàngjià we get three days off at Christmas 圣(聖)诞(誕)节(節)时(時)我们(們)放了3天假 Shèngdàn Jié shí wǒmen fàngle sān tiān jià III vt fus 不可拆分 (=leave) [+ train, bus] 从(從)…下来(來) cóng…xiàlái [+ bed, table] 从(從)…起身 cóng…qǐshēn get off with (Brit) (inf) vt fus 不可拆分 与(與)…有染 yǔ…yǒurǎn get onI vi 1 (=be friends) 和睦相处(處) hémù xiāngchǔ to get on well with sb 与(與)某人相处(處)融洽 yǔ mǒurén xiāngchǔ róngqià2 (=progress) 进(進)展 jìnzhǎn how are you getting on? 你过(過)得怎么(麼)样(樣)? nǐ guò de zěnmeyàng? to get on well with sth 在某方面进(進)展顺(順)利 zài mǒu fāngmiàn jìnzhǎn shùnlì time is getting on不早了 bùzǎo leII vt fus 不可拆分 [+ bus, train] 上 shàng get on to vt fus 不可拆分 1 [+ subject, topic] 开(開)始涉及 kāishǐ shèjí 2 (esp Brit) (=contact) [+ person] 与(與)…联(聯)系(繫) yǔ…liánxì get on with vt fus 不可拆分 1 (=be friends with) [+ person] 与(與)…和睦相处(處) yǔ…hémù xiāngchǔ 2 (=continue, start) [+ meeting, work etc] 开(開)始继(繼)续(續)做 kāishǐ jìxù zuò get outI vi [person] (of place) 离(離)开(開) líkāi (of vehicle) 下车(車) xiàchē (to enjoy o.s.) 尽(盡)情享乐(樂) jìnqíng xiǎnglè [news etc] 泄(洩)露 xièlòu II vt 1 (=take out) [+ book, object etc] 拿出 náchū 2 (=remove) [+ stain] 消除 xiāochú get out ofI vt fus 不可拆分 1 [+ vehicle] 从(從)…下来(來) cóng…xiàlái 2 (=avoid) [+ duty etc] 摆(擺)脱(脫) bǎituō to get out of doing sth 逃避做某事 táobì zuò mǒushì II vt 1 (from bank) [+ money] 提取 tíqǔ I need to get some money out of the bank 我需要去银(銀)行取些钱(錢) wǒ xūyào qù yínháng qǔ xiē qián2 (=extract) [+ confession, details etc] 打探出 dǎtàn chū we finally got the name out of him 我们(們)终(終)于(於)从(從)他那里(裡)打探出了名字 wǒmen zhōngyú cóng tā nàlǐ dǎtàn chūle míngzi3 (=derive) [+ pleasure, benefit] 获(獲)得 huòdé get overI vt fus 不可拆分 [+ illness, shock] 从(從)…中恢复(復)过(過)来(來) cóng…zhōng huīfù guòlái II vt 1 (=communicate) [+ idea etc] 使…明白 shǐ…míngbai 2 ▶ to get it over with 尽(盡)快从(從)…中解脱(脫) jǐnkuài cóng…zhōng jiětuō get round = get around get throughI vi (Tel) 接通 jiētōng II vt fus 不可拆分 1 (=finish) [+ work, book] 完成 wánchéng 2 (esp Brit) (=use up) 用完 yòngwán 3 (=survive) 挨过(過) áiguo get through to vt fus 不可拆分 1 (Tel) 接通 jiētōng 2 (=make understand) 使…理解 shǐ…lǐjiě get togetherI vi [people] 聚在一起 jù zài yīqǐ II vt 1 (=amass) [+ money] 积(積)累(纍) jīlěi 2 (=gather up) 把…收拾起来(來) bǎ…shōushi qǐlái 3 (=organize) [+ project, plan etc] 组(組)织(織)筹(籌)备(備) zǔzhī chóubèi get upI vi (=rise) (from chair, sofa) 站起来(來) zhànqǐlái (out of bed) 起床 qǐchuáng II vt ▶ to get up enthusiasm for sth 对(對)某事产(產)生热(熱)情 duì mǒushì chǎnshēng rèqíng get up to (esp Brit) vt fus 不可拆分 [+ prank etc] 搞 gǎo What has he been getting up to?他在搞什么(麼)花样(樣)? Tā zài gǎo shénme huāyàng? 在这些条目还发现'get': 在英文解释里: access - action stations - adapt yourself to - adios - adjust - ageless - alight - ameliorate - approach - away with you - bargain for - become acquainted - become aggravated - become excited - become ill - bid good riddance - blow a fuse - blow up - board - bob - bond - booze - bottleneck - brighten up - bronze - call - campaign promises - cast off - catch up - catch-up - change - chase away - chub up - clap hands - cleanup - clear up - click - climb on - climb onto - clock up - close in - close in on - collar - college application - come closer - come near - come on - contact - contract - convalesce 中文: 取得 - 上 - 上火 - 下 - 下台 - 下车 - 丢掉 - 介入 - 借助 - 准备 - 出动 - 出去 - 出嫁 - 到家 - 剔 - 剔除 - 办到 - 卷入 - 去掉 - 发脾气 - 发财 - 取暖 - 团聚 - 多分 - 好转 - 妨 - 废除 - 征 - 得 - 戒 - 打通 - 抢 - 抵达 - 挣脱 - 挨近 - 接到 - 摆脱 - 收 - 整容 - 毙 - 涤 - 滚 - 滚开 - 相处 - 睦 - 碰头 - 结婚 - 联欢 - 聚合 - 计件工资 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, Irregular verbs, sinonimos, 更多……同义词: obtain, acquire, procure, gain, attain, 更多……习惯性搭配: can I get a [coffee, latte]?, get [coffee, dinner, ice cream], can I get you [anything, a drink]?, 更多……

标题中含有单词 'get' 的论坛讨论:

after you pick up your friend, we need to get gas Can you get my shoes for me? Cantonese: I'm going to get going. Did you get over your sickness right before you started your new job? Did you get the Pfizer or the Astrazeneca vaccine? Difficult to get along do well in an exam, get good grades Don't run (around) too much or you'll get tired soon! get get along in the best way possible get an idea of get around ok get behind efforts get better soon get dressed Get it together Get Out get paid to learn get someone to donate money get the better of Get your head in the game get your pampered arse over Hold on one second, please. I'll go get them. [phone call] How did you get into (line of work)? How do you get to _ from here? How often do you wonder when you're supposed to get some real work done? How often would you like to get together? I didn't get up until 11.30 I have a lot to get done today! I have an appointment to get a haircut tomorrow. 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'get'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "get" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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